Elimination of Violence Against Women

Violence against women is one of the important issues that have been linked to many international laws, such as the Human Rights Convention and the lifting of forms of discrimination against women. Many international and local organizations have adopted the issue of violence against women, which represents an obstacle to achieving the goals of equality, development, and peace, and constitutes a serious violation of human rights.

There is no doubt that any strategy related to women was not without this important issue. Many countries of the world are still developing plans, programs, and legislation to curtail violence against women, while working on establishing specialized bodies and identifying departments whose tasks are to combat violence against women. This issue has also been a priority for many countries of the world in the last five years. Despite all the efforts made by governments, states, and organizations, we find an increase in violence against women with the emergence of the so-called electronic violence against women in recent times.

A study on the United Nations website indicates that one third of the world's women have been subjected to physical and psychological violence, which has negatively affected the woman's life and her ability to continue her life, as it has created psychological effects that hindered her ability to participate in development and improve the quality of life for her and her family. This is because violence extends beyond the woman herself to her family and children, who are considered the most psychologically harmed.

In the face of the Corona pandemic, the world has found a significant increase in the rate of domestic violence against women, reaching the highest percentage of all crimes of victims of human trafficking. With the implementation of quarantine and isolation,reports confirmed the emergence of all types of violence against women.

Despite the progress made by some countries in the field of eliminating violence against women by providing comprehensive legal frameworks and specific policies to promote innovative measures, procedures, and practices to promote women's rights and protect them from violence, women still need more legislation.

Some countries submit permanent reports to the United Nations organizations concerned with this matter, and some of them continue to create and develop specialized strategies to discuss violence against women. In addition, the relevant measures, laws, and policies are taken and implemented. However, the world still needs more campaigns aimed at implementing laws and legislations that guarantee the elimination of violence against women and criminalization of violence and the implementation of the required penalties, not only to reduce cases of violence, but also to eradicate this shameful behavior while providing training for workers in this field and ensuring that girls and women who are the victims of violence, receive protection and care in the long run . It is also necessary to work to tighten the penalties and not to be lenient in their application for anyone who tempts himself to practice any kind of violence against women.

Respect for women, and care for their dignity and concern for their rights are not only a human aspect, but rather an ethical and religious aspect confirmed by all religions and lofty humanitarian principles.

Fatima Bint Mubarak